Adaptive Learning: 'Adaptive 2.0'

1'Adaptive 2.0'

2Flexible Licensing Options: From self-published courses, to fully customized solutions and anywhere in between we can work with you to find the most cost effective solution to realize your 'Adaptive 2.0' eLearning goals

3Multiple Platforms: Web, tablet, mobile, and cloud based solutions

Know your 'Adaptive 2.0' Learning Technology. The term 'Adaptive' has become such a buzzword in the eLearning sphere that we are not surprised when potential clients communicate their confusion to us. So many companies misrepresent their technology by using the term 'Adaptive'. We have observed 'Adaptive' being used so loosely as to refer to simple changes in pacing, order of content presentation and even the capability of one eLearning's program to adjust screen resolution.

In order to bring clarity intellADAPT is proud to present our Adaptive 2.0 Learning Technology, the only truly adaptive 2.0 Learning Technology. Adaptive 2.0 merges years of cognitive brain-based learning research with the latest advances in computer science. The pinnacle of adaptive technology relies on Micro-Adaptive Integrated Learning Networks, basically individual customization for each unique learner. Our 'Adaptive 2.0' engine provides dynamic, personal customization that responds to the innate learning differences each learner has. Big data engines use complex algorithms, and amalgamated student metrics that seek to find averages leading to predictions rather than adaptation. With 'Adaptive 2.0' there is no average or "One-size-fits-all" just one-of-a-kind, a different strategy and approach for each unique individual. If you'd like to find out more just send us a message!

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Adaptive 2.0 Learning Technology: One Size Does Not Fit All

We understand the need for personalized adaptive learning.

intellADAPT utilizes the 'Learning Cube' pedagogical framework as the basis for adaptive learning. This framework allows the individual learner to successfully reach their potential through a customized learning strategy. Each learner traverses five different learning strategies until they arrive at the one that maximizes their learning potential.

An Adaptive Learning System is crucial to the success of online education. Most eLearning suites throw the word 'Adaptive' around, using it to refer to simple adjustments in pacing, difficulty and order of presentation. Few alternatives understand the cognitive learning process and individual learning preferences built into the intellADAPT Adaptive 2.0 Learning Technology. Research shows that when learners are presented with their optimal learning strategy, with immediate feedback and true adaptability, the following improvements in learning outcome occur:

  • Accelerated Competency: Less time to master a given concept
  • Deeper Acquisition: Master concepts in a more comprehensive way, leading to a deeper learning experience
  • Greater Completion: The chance for continuous self-improvement, with immediate feedback motivates learners to complete courses and degree programs

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Adaptive 2.0 Learning Technology: Principles

  • "One size fits all" does not work for online education
  • 'Adaptive' is not always truly adaptive in the context of other eLearning solutions
  • Information is not education - current web-based learning leads to an information overload
  • Learning requires understanding of the cognitive process
  • Every individual has a learning strategy based on their individual cognitive development
  • Adapting to the individual allows educators to reach higher completion rates and deeper learning
  • Learning is four dimensional which includes multimedia, cognitive strategies, interactivity, and social learning
  • The only meaningful assessment is one that helps a learner improve and reach the desired level of competency
  • Anyone can reach learning competency with the right learning strategy and pace of learning
  • Instructors should remain part of the equation, guiding students how to learn, not what to learn