Adaptive 2.0 Digital Courses

We have created a few "nano" Adaptive 2.0 Digital Courses for you to experience the Adaptive 2.0 Learning Technology.

Distraction Free Driving

This Adaptive 2.0 digital "nano" course on Distraction Free Driving is designed with the help of the Shreya R. Dixit Memorial Foundation. It advocates safe and distraction-free driving practices, encourages drivers to be mindful, and educates the community on the dangers of distracted driving.

This is a free course powered by intellADAPT's Adaptive 2.0 Learning Engine.

Distraction Free Driving


This Adaptive 2.0 Digital course in Kinematics is one of the important modules in Physics. This course is made possible by the NSF SBIR grant.

In Kinematics you will learn all about the motion of particles in one, two, and three dimensions with good understanding of equation of motion and Newton's three laws of motion.

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Algebra 1

The Adaptive 2.0 Digital Course for Algebra 1 is for middle school student who want to have a resource to fall back and get a better understanding of the Algebra 1 concepts.

This first "nano" Adaptive 2.0 Digital Course on Algebra 1 teaches the concepts on Rational and Irrational Numbers in the Real Number System.

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Learn to Program with Ruby

This Adaptive 2.0 Digital course will get you started with object-oriented programming. Ruby is a dynamic, reflective, object-oriented, general-purpose programming language. It's also an incredibly popular programming language that powers websites all over the world.

This is a free course powered by intellADAPT's Adaptive 2.0 Learning Engine.

Learn to Program with Ruby