Focus on the road and make a pledge not to text and drive.
To get started register for the first nano adaptive 2.0 digital course on distraction free driving.
To get started register for the first nano adaptive 2.0 digital course on distraction free driving.
Texting while driving is a serious problem on America's roads. Seventy-one percent of young people say they have sent a text while driving. As a result, thousands of people die every year in crashes related to distracted driving.
At 55MPH, that's like driving an entire football field blindfolded.
Please register for the course. Once you are done with the course you will then be asked to take a pledge to keep your eyes on the road and not text , talk or other form of distraction that impact not only your life but others as well.
The Distraction Free Driving course has been designed in partnership with the Shreya R. Dixit Memorial Foundation.